Tuesday, April 07, 2009

[Science Form 2] Damaging Footprints: The Effect Of Human Activity

We should conserve all species and maintain the biodiversity of living organisms because the loss of biodiversity affect the stability and functions the various habitat. Habitat loss is the major reason why biodiversity is threatened.

Certain human activities are known to have destroyed the natural habitats of living organisms. Many species have become extinct due to these human activities; many more are threatened and some are already on the brink of extinction.

Below are the examples of activities that contribute to habitat loss and threaten biodiversity:

  1. Activity: Illegal logging
    Effects: Destroys forests and cause the living organisms in them to lose their natural habitat; destructs the ecosystem.

  2. Activity: Poaching/hunting of wild animals
    Effects: Destroys the cycle of life and causes imbalance in the food chain, thus affecting the survival of other animals.

  3. Activity: Deforestation for agricultural and housing development
    Effects: Causes soil erosion and landslides; destructs fertile topsoil, thus creating arid and barren landscapes.

  4. Activity: Over Fishing
    Effects: Disrupts the food chain in the ocean, thus affecting the survival of other marine animals; jeopardises future food supply for human survival.

  5. Activity: Mining
    Effects: Causes soil erosion and landslides; destructs fertile topsoil, thus creating arid and barren landscapes.

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